'How to perform a LANDMINE 180 - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

'How to perform a LANDMINE 180 - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'
01:13 Oct 11, 2022
'Renegade or Landmine 180s are a ground-based rotational exercise that works the entire body to develop fitness, rotary stability, and athletic performance. You can use lighter weights to build endurance or heavier weights to build power and muscle mass. This exercise covers a big range of movement. It’s critical the motion originates in the hips, and the feet and knees are allowed to pivot naturally.   MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED - Core, Stabilizers, Glutes  HOW TO PERFORM A LANDMINE 180 To get ready for Renegade or Landmine 180s, face the end of the bar and grip it with your palms facing each other. Raise the bar to chest height, its weight should rest on your palms, and make sure to leave enough space for clean travel during the exercise movement. Adopt a stance wider than shoulder width, but allowing a good range of lateral torso movement.  The hips rotate first, then the torso, then the arms bring the bar down as far as the natural range of motion allows. Make sure the upward force and stability is generated through the heels. As the bar comes back to center make sure the client’s hips, torso, and head come back to full alignment before starting to rotate to the other side.' 

Tags: how to , gym , weight , workout video , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , fitness video , exercise video , hoist fitness , motion cage

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