'Getting in cardio on the Octane Elliptical 3700c with Coach Mike at Different Breed Sports Academy'

'Getting in cardio on the Octane Elliptical 3700c with Coach Mike at Different Breed Sports Academy'
02:16 Nov 22, 2022
'Getting in your cardio is as important as your weight training regimen!   At the Different Breed Sports Academy, you can get in moderate, high-intensity cardio with low impact on your joints and a built-in digital trainer!  Designed based on precise human biomechanics, Octane elliptical machines deliver supremely comfortable natural movement and flow, both forward and backward, without stress on the joints, which is ideal for all levels of exercisers.   The Pro3700 Classic features close pedal spacing (only 1.8\"), so your body is properly aligned from head to toe, thereby minimizing pressure on the lower back.  Visit our Elite Training and Boxing Facility and see for yourself or go to https://www.differentbreedsportsacademy.com and see how you too can become \"Absolutely Different!  Call us at 201-347-3640 if you have any questions.' 

Tags: fitness , cardio , gym , exercise , boxing , sports training , health & wellness , teaneck , elliptical training , Teaneck NJ , Octane Elliptical 3700c , Different Breed Sports Academy

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