'How to Communicate and Shoot Fitness Models with Godox AD200 & AD600'

'How to Communicate and Shoot Fitness Models with Godox AD200 & AD600'
14:47 Dec 11, 2022
'This video is about Shooting a fitness video in-studio and showing how Paul Aiken communicates with a fitness model. It also describes the power and utility of the  Godox lights using the Godox  AD200 & AD 600 using off-camera flash showing muscularity as Paul describes posing style. This was shot in a studio in Dubai as part of a full day shoot with Five fitness models hosted by Jen Towers #swcyoutube' 

Tags: style , shooting , dubai , photography , lighting , studio , communication , fitness models , godox ad600 , off camera flash , Godox , Godox AD200 , psoing , paul aiken , swcyoutube

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