'Welcome back babes! I wanted to share my fitness philosophy with you and the importance it can make in your life. ILY xo ♡ Follow me on Instagram for daily Fit Tips With Whit! https://www.instagram.com/whitneyysimmons/?hl=en ♡SNAPCHAT: whitneyysimmons ♡ Twitter: https://twitter.com/whitneyysimmons?lang=en ♡ Website: https://whitsbringingfit.com/ —————————————————————————— ♡ OUTFIT DETAILS: Top: Lululemon ♡ LIPPIE Kylie Cosmetics Dirty Peach Liquid Lipstick Jouer Skinny Dip Lip Topper —————————————————————————— ♡ Wireless Headphones: http://amzn.to/2ac1mAI ♡ Kodiak Protein Pancakes http://amzn.to/2aayyfT ♡ Kodiak Protein Pancakes - DARK CHOCOLATE http://amzn.to/2aZlPx8 ♡ Premier Protein http://amzn.to/2bSxhbe ♡ Skillz Resistance Bands http://amzn.to/2a66gzL ♡100% Whey Protein: http://amzn.to/2a1V2zz ♡ALL TIME favorite Protein - best tasting! http://amzn.to/29NgXvv ♡Current Pre-Workout and my OG: http://amzn.to/29VkFo6 ♡ BCAA’s I’m using - TASTE SO GOOD http://amzn.to/29Xa1u0 ♡ Camera I use: http://amzn.to/1tdMb4m'
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