'Hey friends, Thanks again for joining us on the Movement Code Podcast. If you would like to connect with me personally you can find me on FaceBook Antonio Gurule, you can also connect with us on Facebook: Enhanced Movements Movement Code OR you can connect with us on Instagram: @enhancedmovements @movementcode. Be sure to subscribe to our email list at www.enhancedmovements.com Connect With Jill Miller: Website: https://www.tuneupfitness.com/ Youtube: Tune Up Fitness Instagram: Tune Up Fitness Started off with teacher training modules to help people roll out using mobility tools Core dynamics and breath foundational movement patterns that need to be considered Body Tuning: orthopedic medical massage Yoga Therapy Increases in proprioception improves our movement awareness and capabilities Connects you to your body Attempts at self management for 4-8 weeks but pain is still present Tune up balls can mute the pain response Movement patterns might be keeping pain ALIVE Schroth method for scoliosis Compensation patterns must be addressed after injury or surgery Tuning into the messages that our body is trying to give us “My body thinks and feels” Be open to receive the different elements and information data points or body is trying to share with us Movement can help quite your pain Nauli Kriya- self enema old school way, new school abdominal churning for bowel massage The journey is the process and learning opportunity Challenge: Close your eyes for 1-3 minutes a day feel your weight in your environment (chair, bed, floor)tune into your breath, your heartbeat, start to take note of your organs (my body thinks and feels)'
Tags: chiropractor , physical therapist , Fascia , low back pain , how to stretch , fix low back pain , low back pain relief , Jill Miller , yoga tune up , Tune up Fitness , movement code , enhanced movements , how to use balls to roll out , trigger point relief
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