'Resisted Breath Exercise to Feel Calm & Relaxed'

00:20 Jan 3, 2023
'Picture this: You’re throwing a party and feeling overwhelmed, plus you’ve got a pile of balloons that still need to be blown up. Problem? Nope. Blowing up balloons (or the Coregeous® sponge ball with a straw as shown below) creates the highly effective Resisted Breath. Resisted breathing enhances your lung size (ventilatory capacity) which can improve oxygenation to your bloodstream. Poorly oxygenated blood can lead to issues such as breath shortage, confusion, lightheadedness and even coordination problems. Alternately, well oxygenated blood is critical for getting centered and thinking clearly. How does the Resisted Breath work? It heightens breathing endurance. Just like stronger leg muscles will help you run further, stronger breathing muscles will help you regulate your breath to feel calmer, more grounded… better.   This technique is highlighted in “Two Minutes to Peace: Fun and Fast-Acting Relaxation Breathing Techniques for Stressful Times (Videos)” featuring four fast-acting breathing techniques for stressful times that you can quickly implement to shift your stress level from high to low.  Techniques shares by Yoga Tune Up Integrated Teacher, Dinneen Viggiano.   Read the Full Blog Post: Two Minutes to Peace: Fun and Fast-Acting Relaxation Breathing Techniques for Stressful Times (Videos) https://www.tuneupfitness.com/blog/two-minutes-to-peace-fun-and-fast-acting-relaxation-breathing-techniques-for-stressful-times/  To read other articles from our Mental Health and Emotional Resilience Digest please visit: https://www.tuneupfitness.com/blog/tag/emotional-resiliency/' 

Tags: anxiety , stress relief , restricted breathing techniques , breath exercises for calm , down regulation

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