'Barbell Bent-Over Row Vs T-Bar Row | WHICH BUILDS A THICKER & WIDER BACK?'

14:35 Jan 5, 2023
'A lot of people get caught up using multiple exercises to train the same muscle groups with the same movement patterns and this is horrible for maximizing your gains.  The key to building a bigger back is knowing which exercises target which parts of the back to ensure you are ALWAYS GROWING WIDE & THICK (giggidy).  This video will clear up a lot of confusion and by the end you will know WHY you are incorporating these two movements in your routines!  

Tags: how to , exercise , bodybuilding , muscles , strength , strength training , back , back workout , lats , weightlifting , powerlifting , best back exercises , back exercise , row , barbell , t bar row , bent over row , barbell row , barbell rows , Thicker , Back Routine , t-bar , Bent-over Row , T-Bar row , dumbbell row form , how to barbell row , bent-over , bent-over vs t-bar , thicker wider back

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