'(0:16)- Intro to testosterone & fitness (1:39)- What is testosterone? (2:17)- How does testosterone help with muscle growth? (3:26)- How does your body produce testosterone? (5:23)- What is free testosterone? (6:17)- How to optimize your T levels (6:37)- Keep your body fat % low (7:20)- Get sleep (7:40)- Lift weights! (8:10)- Eat your fats (9:17)- Take it easy on the alcohol (9:42)- Keep stress under control! (10:03)- Final thoughts (10:29)- Discuss testosterone in the forums here! *READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* https://muscularstrength.com/article/testosterone-how-to-optimize-your-t-levels-through-nutrition-and-lifestyle Testosterone is a really hot topic right now when it comes to muscle gains. I receive questions on a daily basis about what members can do to increase their T levels, so I decided to do a two part series all about “Testosterone” and “Testosterone Boosters”. The key fact is that testosterone is crucial to maximizing your muscle gains! In today’s discussion we’re going to talk about the role testosterone plays when it comes to gaining muscle and how you can maintain an optimal level of T in your system with proper eating and healthy living habits. In the next article I am going to analyze in detail natural testosterone boosters as a supplement to see whether or not they really work. However, before I even start with today’s discussion, I want to make it perfectly clear that there is no secret you’re missing out on. There is no way to dramatically increase your T levels for unrealistic muscle growth unless you are taking synthetic steroids. With that being said, these are tips are for you to maintain your testosterone at an optimal level naturally to support your muscle growth. What is testosterone? Testosterone or T, is the male sex hormone which is primarily produced in the Leydig cells of the testicles for males and in the ovaries for woman. So why is testosterone so important? It’s important because it regulates and influences critical functions of your body. For example, when it comes to fitness testosterone helps to increase protein synthesis which leads to more muscle production. Testosterone also increases your sex drive, fat burning, heart health, aggression and cognition. How does testosterone help with muscle growth? By exercising through resistance training we cause damage to our muscle fibers and the body responds to that damage by repairing our muscle tissue adding new protein strands. The addition of more protein strands causes the muscles to become bigger and stronger. This is known as protein synthesis. So how does testosterone help this process? T binds itself to the receptors on the surfaces of your muscle cells to amplify the signals that result in protein synthesis. So without an adequate amount of T, your body’s ability to signal for protein synthesis will be reduced. Keep in mind that testosterone also stimulates Growth Hormone (GH) release which is another anabolic hormone that helps with muscle growth. We will talk about this more in a later discussion. How does your body make testosterone? Cholesterol is the primary “ingredient” for your body to produce testosterone. Cholesterol is broken down into intermediate hormones like DHEA and progesterone that ultimately are broken down further into T. Keep in mind that this production and breakdown of T is a continuous reaction occurring in your body and there are times of the day where your T levels will be is higher and lower. So when you hear people say things like, I increased my T level by 40%, it doesn’t stay like that forever. There will always be ups and downs depending on a variety of factors. If you’re reading studies or articles, the results should be based on an AVERAGE T measurement, not a one-time measurement. For example I could take your before T level measurement and then give you a special new supplement to raise your T level and then proceed to take your after T level measurement at a time where your T level is naturally higher like after you finish training which could mislead you to think the supplement is what caused the raise in T. You can avoid this confusion by making sure the study took an average T level measurement over a period of time. *CONTINUE READING HERE* https://muscularstrength.com/article/testosterone-how-to-optimize-your-t-levels-through-nutrition-and-lifestyle Program Selector - Get The Right Program For You! - https://muscularstrength.com/Program-Selector ---------------------------------------- Subscribe To My Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness ---------------------------------------- 1 on 1 Online Coaching - http://muscularstrength.com/consultations ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- MORE TIPS! - https://www.instagram.com/ScottHermanFitness'
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