'Fitness Hula Hoop Yoga-Warm Up + Cool Down, Stretch & Breath- 8 Minutes, 12 Poses With Fitmode Lab'

09:06 Jan 13, 2023
'Combing hula hoop + yoga for a dynamic, fun warm up/cool down. You can incorporate this in the beginning & end of your various hoola hoop workouts.   Practice intentional breathing & relaxation for a holistic, balanced fitness journey. This is what we stand by at Fitmode Lab.   Deep Stretch & Breath: 8 Minutes, 12 Poses  - - -   This is part of our “14 Day Full Body Shred: Hula Hoop + Skipping Rope Challenge” for all Fitmode Family who purchased our Fitness Hula Hoop Set.   With every purchase of the Fitness Hula Hoop Set On Amazon Our Fitness Hula Hoop Set Includes:  •2lbs, 8 section Detachable Weighted Fitness Hula Hoop  •1 Skipping Rope •1 Travel Bag •PDF Workout Guide- The 14 Day Challenge | Journal Entrees | Habit Tracker  •Exclusive Access to Instructional & Workout Videos •Exclusive Invite to the Fitmode Lab Fam Community  ✚ Get your Fitmode Lab Hula Hoop Set Here Amazon  

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