'How To Build Bigger Biceps: Resistance Bands Arm Workout'

03:49 Feb 10, 2023
'Are you looking for an arms workout, or more specifically a biceps workout, to build bigger arms?  There is nothing that tells people at a glance that you workout like having big biceps.  In today\'s resistance bands arms workout video we’re going to be focusing on both the long head of the biceps and the short head of the biceps. Quick tip on building your biceps: the muscle fibers of the biceps only run in one direction, so we don\'t need a bunch of crazy angles and exercises for the best biceps workout. We just need enough diversity in order to make sure we have balanced development between the short head of the biceps and the long head of the biceps.  All the exercises in this biceps workout can be done with dumbbells, bars or what I like to use, which is resistance bands. No matter what your preferred training tool is the thought process and the technique is going to be the same between the two for building bigger biceps. Let’s start by focusing on the long head of the biceps. If we are to put our arm behind our body, we are stretching the long head of the biceps, creating ideal tension for a strong contraction. If we\'re using dumbbells in our biceps workout, we\'re going to do that by lying back on an incline bench. That\'s going to bring our arms behind our body. This is another reason why I personally like using resistance bands in my arms workout because I can do this exercise on my feet. I don\'t need a bench.  To perform this exercise, we\'re going to anchor the resistance band low and behind us. We\'re going to step away from our anchor point to make sure that we create enough tension in the resistance band here at the beginning of the range of motion, keeping that elbow back behind us. Get a nice, steady bass, and then what we want to do is keep that elbow in a fixed position and we\'re going to curl forward, keeping nice, disciplined form with that elbow position. What I don\'t want to see is that elbow coming back and forth as you perform the exercise.  For the short head of the biceps the first thing that we want to focus on when targeting the short head of the biceps is actually de-emphasizing the long head of the biceps. Now, if we were in a gym performing this exercise, you would typically do it with a preacher bench to get your arms out in front of you, either using a bar or dumbbells with resistance bands. I don\'t need a bench. I can actually do this exercise standing like our last one. So I\'m going to take the resistance band, anchor it at chest height. We want to anchor out in front of us and step back to create enough tension here at the beginning of the range of motion, keeping those elbows and one fixed position, we\'re going to curl all the way up, back down without those elbows moving. I don\'t want to see him moving up and down throughout the range of motion, just one spot. And that is the equivalent of doing a preacher curl using resistance bands.  I\'m James Grage. Hope you like today\'s arms workout. If you\'re looking for more content like this, make sure to come back especially if you\'re looking for some versatility in your workouts using resistance bands.' 

Tags: arms workout , resistance bands , biceps workout , resistance bands workout , James Grage , resistance bands exercises , resistance bands arm workout , arms dumbbell workout

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