'U.S. Marine Tries the Army\'s ACFT 3.0 - Could I be a Soldier?'

08:48 Mar 11, 2023
'I\'ve been intrigued by the U.S. Army\'s new combat fitness test for years.  I decided to give it a try to see if I have what it takes to pass this thing.    Watch until the end to see my scores.    Edit:  I’ve been informed that I did the push-ups wrong, please understand that 13 years of eating crayons has made critical thought difficult for me. Next time I do the ACFT I’ll do them right.   Timestamps: 0:46 - Warm-up 1:02 - Deadlift 2:03 - Standing Power Throw 2:55 - T Push-Up 4:15 - Sprint, Drag, Carry 6:25 - Leg Tuck 7:09 - 2 Mile Run 7:36 - My final thoughts  Music credits: -Mighty Rush by Bonnie Grace -I Am Unbreakable by Niklas Johansson' 

Tags: US Army , us marines , ACFT , us marines training , acft leg tuck , acft sprint drag carry , acft army , acft deadlift

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