'Hip Roll With Stability Ball Exercise'

'Hip Roll With Stability Ball Exercise'
00:24 Apr 26, 2023
'The hip roll works the oblique muscles, which reside on the sides of the rectus abdominis (the 6 pack). The job of the obliques is to assist with torso rotation and abdominal flexion.  The following are instructions for how to perform the hip roll using a stability ball:  This exercise is done from the supine position (on your back) with the hands outstretched to the sides. Palms should be face down. Place your legs on top of the ball at a 90-degree angle. Your knees should be fairly close together throughout the full range of motion.  Slowly lower the knees to the LEFT side of the ball as far as you can rotate. Then repeat the movement on the RIGHT side. Perform the hip roll in alternating fashion. If done properly, the knees should travel back and forth in a straight line.  IMPORTANT: To get the most out of this exercise, keep the abs \"sucked in\" and the chest high at all times.' 
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