'Female Fitness Freaks for All Ages'

'Female Fitness Freaks for All Ages'
29:17 Jul 27, 2023
'Amanda Delsohn of Kaia FIT joins Crystal on Kwok Talk to share workout techniques and strategy for female fitness freaks of  all ages.  ThinkTech Hawaii streams live on the Internet from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm every weekday afternoon, Hawaii Time, then streaming earlier shows through the night.  Check us out any time for great content and great community.  Our vision is to be a leader in shaping a more vital and thriving Hawaii as the foundation for future generations. Our mission is to be the leading digital media platform raising pubic awareness and promoting civic engagement in Hawaii.' 

Tags: Women , fitness , Health , popular , strength , Tech , hawaii , energy , ECONOMY , kaia , globalization , Think Tech Hawaii , Diversification , Amanda Delsohn , Team Kaia , Kwok Talk

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