'BELLYDANCE WORKOUT DRILLS 1: Hip Slide, Lift and Maya with Coco Berlin'

'BELLYDANCE WORKOUT DRILLS 1: Hip Slide, Lift and Maya with Coco Berlin'
05:37 Apr 19, 2021
'You want to get the essential Bellydance moves right? Follow me step by step. JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE TRAINING & COMMUNITY - IT\'S FREE! http://essencebellydance.com/en/signup  GET 10% OFF your Sensuous Dance Workout today! http://sensuousworkout.com/EAtv63JG3b6vsL_CVQycBA/en  Belly-Dance Drills containing hip Slides, Lifts and Mayas will improve your dancing skills while working on your posture, core-strength and flexibility.   SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=mybellydanceworkout  ESSENCE DANCE WEAR: https://shop.spreadshirt.de/cocoberlin  FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/likeCOCO INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/cocoberlin_ PINTEREST: http://pinterest.com/cocoberlin   Music: \"Oriental Grooves Vol.1\" by Sayed Balaha: http://amzn.to/1M1q9qM   ...' 

Tags: tips , Women , beauty , tutorial , tricks , woman , fitness , wellness , Dance , free , student , training , belly , Learning , germany , Berlin , lesson , lessons , culture , educational , learn , students , exotic , tutorials , how-to , hips , Move , arabic , coco , fusion , hip , down , posture , teacher , burlesque , maya , dancing , Well-Being , feminine , ORIENTAL , arts , Moves , dancer , practice , drills , lernen , frauen , shakira , femininity , Performing , tanz , Silhouette , eight , know , Unterricht , Figute , downwards , Orientalischer , Bauchtanz , Bauchtanzunterricht , Bauchtänzerin , Weiblichkeit

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