'Before Britain\'s Strongest Man 2020 Eddie Hall invited the Stoltman Brothers to stay at his house and look after them Beast style! They ate, trained and recovered just like Eddie did to become 5x back to back British Champion. #Strongman #GiantsLive #WorldsStrongestMan Learn about the Official \'World\'s Strongest Man\' Arena Tour - aka GIANTS LIVE at: www.giants-live.com'
Tags: gym , strongman , deadlift , world record , weightlifting , powerlifting , strong man , kaz , eddie hall , brian shaw , strongest ever , strongest man in the world , strongest man , giants live , thor bjornsson , World Strongest Man , hafthor , Strongman Motivation , World’s Strongest Man , HOMBRE FUERTE , strongman records , Log Lift , Bian Shaw , Europe's Strongest Man
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