'Chair Fitness Workout Full Version - 100% Seated Exercise! | Sit and Get Fit!'

28:57 Oct 8, 2021
'Chair Fitness Workout Full Version is the complete seated chair exercise I released only 10 minutes of years ago.  But now you have the complete 30 minutes to sit exercise and get fit. It consist of: Warm up Cardio Strength Training A little Dance #chairfitness #chairaereobics #chairworkout #seatedexercise #chaironefitness Some of the exercise moves in this workout are Chair Jacks, Step Touches, Push and Pull, Marching, Bicep Curls and more.  You will have so much fun that you will forget that you are doing a seated exercise workout.  You will get a full body workout! What will you need?  Sturdy Chair without any arms so that you won\'t bang your arms. Light hand weights 3 - 5 pounds This seated exercise workout is great for those with limited mobility, recovering from an injury and need to sit exercise and stay fit, seniors, baby boomers, and anyone else who wants to try something different.  It is recommended that you do cardio exercise at least 20 minutes a day and strength training at least once a week.  But two days a week of strength training would be better with 48 hours of rest between each session. This will enable you to become and maintain your self as a fit person.  What is meant by a fit person?  The ability to do everyday chores without a struggle.  By exercising on a regular basis you will be able to manage your weight, have a stronger body, have sharper mental ability, be able to manage stress and your emotions better.  This will put in the state of wellness. Exercising your body soul and mind.  You can visit my web site: https://www.pauleugene.com for more health and fitness tips. .' 

Tags: cardio , exercise , wellness , Health , seniors , fat burner , aarp , chair exercises for seniors , seated exercise , Hasfit , Rehab , baby boomers , disability , chair aerobics , hurt foot , chair fitness , Sit and Get Fit , heel pain , Sprain Ankle , chair workouts , sitting exercises , chair one fitness , chair fitness workout paul eugene , chair fitness workout , stress fracture , seated exercise workouts , tendinits , plantar facilitis , hurt back , Full Body Seated Workout , chair fitness exercises

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