10:13 Jul 22, 2022
'*READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Fasted-Cardio-FASTER-FAT-LOSS  Fasted Cardio…A simple way to burn more fat with less effort and in less time right? Sounds too good to be true? Well, we’ll just have to see about that won’t we?!  First of all, let’s examine the word “fast”. In case you didn’t know, to fast means to not eat for a period of time.  For most people they only time they are fasting is when they are sleeping while others prefer methods like Intermittent Fasting which is simply to extend this fasting window by several hours. This means that they have a smaller window of time to consume all their calories for the day.  But whatever the case may be for you, the first meal after a fast is still called breakfast.  Get it?  “BREAK-FAST? So whenever I refer to breakfast, that doesn’t necessarily mean the meal you have early in the morning.  It’s just the first meal of the day that breaks your fast.  What Is Fasted Cardio? Now, there’s this theory that seems to go in and out of the spotlight in the fitness community that cardio on an empty stomach, or fasted cardio, produces more fat burning results.  This leads to loads of people literally rolling out of bed and going straight for a cardio session first thing in the morning.  But these people aren’t cranking out 6 minute miles.  Typically, we’re talking about low-intensity cardio because that’s likely the only thing you’ll be able to do without eating anything.  For most people high intensity interval training, for example, is out of the question, because you just won’t have the energy to do it and you might even feel extremely dizzy during or after.  The Theory Behind Fasted Cardio So, the main question here is are these early bird runners wasting their time or boosting their fat burning potential?  Well, the actual theory behind fasted cardio is sound and it comes down to this:  1. A prolonged absence of food brings about a reduction in circulating blood sugar, causing glycogen (or stored carbohydrates) levels to fall. That leaves your body no choice but to rely more on fat, rather than glucose, to fuel workouts, especially those that last 45 - 60 minutes.  2. Also, the low insulin levels associated with fasting are conducive to fat breakdown, increasing the availability of fatty acids to be used as energy during the exercise session.  In simple terms, this means that when you perform your cardio on an empty stomach your body favors burning fat instead of carbs because your carb deposits are already low and your body prefers to hold onto them as much as possible in case a life-threatening situation arises and you absolutely require the immediate burst of energy. Makes sense, right?  In addition to this, if you perform fasted cardio often enough you’ll actually TRAIN your body to eventually favor burning fat rather than carbs which is a good thing if you want to get lean and right about now I bet this sounds great, right? Will Fasted Cardio Burn Muscle?  But the next question you all should be asking is, what about burning muscle?  Research has indeed shown that while you fast, your body breaks down amino acids into glucose. So fasted morning cardio can potentially mobilize more amino acids (which are the building blocks of muscles) for fuel in addition to more fat, which isn’t ideal if building muscle is your primary goal.  To combat this a lot of people who fast drink BCAA’s, like AMINO-X, while fasting and/or performing fasted cardio or they consume a fast digesting whey protein immediately after their workout to help lessen or eliminate muscle wasting.  How Your Metabolism ACTUALLY Works Unfortunately though, fasted cardio will not produce better fat burning results for you, and that’s for a variety of reasons.  Reason No.1 While a lot of studies have indeed shown that you burn up to 20% more FAT calories while training fasted. Your body though, is more complicated than that and it continually adjusts its use of fat and carbohydrate for fuel depending on a variety of factors.  As a general rule, if you burn more carbohydrate while exercising, you\'ll ultimately burn more fat in the post-workout period and vice versa.So who cares if you burn a few extra fat calories while exercising fasted if an hour later the ratio shifts to a greater carbohydrate utilization?  *CONTINUE READING HERE* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Fasted-Cardio-FASTER-FAT-LOSS  Program Selector -  Get The Right Program For You! - https://muscularstrength.com/Program-Selector ---------------------------------------- Subscribe To My Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness ---------------------------------------- 1 on 1 Online Coaching - http://muscularstrength.com/consultations  ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- MORE TIPS! - https://www.instagram.com/ScottHermanFitness' 

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