'How to perform a PUNCH - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

00:41 Nov 9, 2022
'Heavy bag punching is a good way for clients to build aerobic and anaerobic fitness while conditioning their core and arms. Punches can be performed using one arm or alternating arms with the bag swinging free or braced by another person.   MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: - Arms, Shoulders, Core  HOW TO PERFORM PUNCHES: Before beginning heavy bag punches, have clients take a few slow practice strikes to find their range and balance. When performing punches, the punching arm should be primarily supported by the lead leg, and the feet and torso free to move as needed.  To perform the movement, clients exhale as they drive through the hip and extend the arm. Once contact is made, quickly reset to the starting position for another punch' 

Tags: gym , workout video , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , exercise video , weight training , boxing , how to video , hoist fitness , punching bag , motion cage

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