'AJ Mihrzad presents: The Million Dollar Online Fitness Coach Seminar'

'AJ Mihrzad presents: The Million Dollar Online Fitness Coach Seminar'
01:57 Nov 13, 2022
'Here\'s Why I\'ve Agreed To Run The Million Dollar Online Fitness Coach Seminar...  My goal with the Million Dollar Online Fitness Coach Seminar is to SHOW YOU (side-by-side with me in the trenches) how to create an online coaching business that allows you to dramatically increase the income you earn, to work when and how you want, that gets your clients incredible results… and that enables you to live a life of massive personal freedom.  Double Your Income. Double Your Time Off. Double Your Lifestyle Freedom.  BUY $97 EARLY BIRD TICKET & GET COMPLIMENTARY ACCESS TO ONE OF MY COACHING PROGRAMS.  The Million Dollar Online Fitness Coach Seminar was created after it became clear to me that…  Too many fitness coaches hit an income ceiling and never make the kind of money (or the kind of impact) that they are capable of. They get stuck at one of the 3 plateaus: Survival, Stability or even Success.  Most fitness coaches blame themselves, and try to work on their MINDSET — But nothing changes because it’s not your mindset that’s the problem. It’s the MODEL that needs to change.  For the last few years, I’ve been working with a select group of fitness coaches, taking them from Stability to Success and Scale. I’m going to share the very best of what is working for them in the Million Dollar Online Fitness Coach Seminar.  Double Your Income. Double Your Time Off. Give me 2 days, and I’ll personally build you an online coaching business that doubles your income, impact, and independence.  You see once a year behind closed doors, an elite unit of coaches gather for a Millionaire Dollar Online Fitness Coach Seminar with me. We don’t just learn. We do. It’s not a seminar room. It’s a work room. For 2-days, I roll up my sleeves with my Online SuperCoach clients and we BUILD.  We Build... - Marketing campaigns to grow their business. - Sales systems that convert prospects into clients. - Client-filling systems that sell-out programs. - Leveraged coaching programs that get my Online SuperCoaches out of time-for-money, and into freedom. - Automated marketing machines that work 24/7 on autopilot.  But these Online Supercoach strategies and  2-day seminars are only available to a carefully selected few…UNTIL NOW.  COME PREPARED. You’ll get my 3-part SuperCoach Essentials training before you come, so we can jump straight to the advanced content at the seminar. We’ve already talked a bit about the event itself. But if you’re going to be in my room, there’s some prep work you need to do. I want you to come ready to rock… So when you register, I will give you a set of my Online SuperCoach Essentials training. You’ll get it as soon as you register, long before you come, so that you are ready for the advanced tactics we will cover at the Seminar. You’ll grow your business, with the Online SuperCoach 40 clients in 14 days system. You’ll get more done in half a day than most coaches do in a week, with the Online SuperCoach productivity hacks. and you’ll write lead generators and offers that get clients, with the Speed Writing System…  ALL KILLER. NO FILLER. Here Are The 9 Projects We\'ll Work On At The Million Dollar Online Fitness Coach Seminar - Online Lead Machine: We’ll use advanced online marketing tactics to generate leads 24/7. - Your Signature System: We’ll turn your experience into a virtual infrastructure, then package it into lucrative products and programs to replace your 1:1 income. - The Launch Model: You’ll discover the 4-Step sequence used by -  Online SuperCoaches to launch new programs, and fill them in under a week. - Sold Out Seminars: You’ll know how to create a seminar topic so hot it sells itself, and the event marketing system that fills it fast. - Rapid Transition Plan: You’ll discover how to quickly move from 1:1 coaching into a more leveraged model, and how to avoid the transition mistakes that keep fitness coaches stuck. - Authority Marketing: You’ll use the Authority Marketing System to quickly become the undisputed leader in your field, and create the online platform that makes you the obvious choice for your market. - Efficient Sales Systems: You’ll learn how to design systems that rock hard, and sell like crazy — converting 90% of your online leads into new clients in 60 minutes or less. - Your Virtual Team: You’ll know exactly where to find a support team of qualified virtual assistants to take care of the grunt work, so you can focus on your passion and profit. - Marketing Automation: You’ll discover the automated marketing sequences that consistently bring in a flood of new leads, and convert them into high paying clients.' 
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