'TRX Workout-Brittany Noelle Fitness'

01:24 Nov 22, 2022
'TRX is a great system to add to your home gym. For beginners it\'s a great way to work on perfecting your form and increasing mobility. For more advanced fitness gurus, the TRX can be a great way to challenge your core strength, stability, and body weight strength.   Start online personal training with me at http://www.brittaynoelle.com  Find me on Instagram @b_noellefitness' 

Tags: home workout , personal trainer , at home workout , strength training , influencer , trx training , trx workout , strength training for women , at home workouts for women , fitness influencer , TRX exercises , female trainer , ebony fitness , brittany noelle , bnoellefitness , brittany noelle fitness , ebony fitness today instagram , at hme , trx pushup , trx squats for beginners , trx squats for bad knees , trx deadlift , trx row exercise , trx rows at home

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