'How to perform a KICK - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

01:39 Nov 26, 2022
'Heavy bag kicks require core activation, hip flexibility, and balance. Kicks can be performed alone or with someone bracing the heavy bag. They can be performed using one leg or alternating between legs.  MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: - Legs, Hip Flexors, Core   HOW TO PERFORM KICKS: Before beginning a set of kicks, clients should take a few slow practice kicks to find their range and height. Kicking too high can disrupt balance or cause injury. In general, clients should not be kicking above their waist. The top of the foot or the lower shin should be the body part making contact with the heavy bag.  To perform either single or alternating kicks, clients adopt a staggered position. Make sure their supporting leg is well rooted with a slight bend in the knee and the client’s toe is slightly turned in. Their eyes should focus where they want to make contact with the bag.  To begin, clients drive the leg toward the bag until contact is made. During the movement, the hips and torso should rotate slightly toward the bag. Once the leg makes contact with the bag, clients return to the starting position and find their balance before beginning the next kick.' 

Tags: gym , workout video , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , exercise video , hoist fitness , punching bag , motion cage , boxing kick

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