'15 Minute Upper Body Stretch Routine [Chest/Shoulders/Back & More]'

'15 Minute Upper Body Stretch Routine [Chest/Shoulders/Back & More]'
16:41 Dec 2, 2022
'Tap in with us for a 10-15 minute stretch routine that will help alleviate any tension or tightness all throughout your upper body! This is a great flow that works well directly before, after and between training sessions. This is a thorough stretch that targets the chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, lats, and t-spine. However, feel free to pick this routine apart and add stretches that are beneficial to YOU and your own routine. We recommend doing this as often as possible to ensure that you\'re able to consistently build flexibility and mobility over time. Give this stretch a try and let us know if this helps  

Tags: shoulder stretches , upper body stretches , chest stretches , upper body stretch , upper body mobility , juice and toya , upper body stretches for flexibility , upper body stretching exercises , juice and toya stretch , upper body stretch routine , upper body stretches after workout , upper body stretches before workout , upper body stretches for sore muscles , upper body stretching routines , bicep stretches , forearm stretches , upper body mobility stretches , upper body mobility flow

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