'How to perform ROCK TRAVEL - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

00:57 Jan 26, 2023
'Rock climbing handles provide a greater challenge than peg handles and are an excellent way for clients to develop a strong grip using a functional exercise.  MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: -Arms - Back, Core  HOW TO PERFORM ROCK TRAVEL: To enter the starting position, clients take a handle in each hand at either the left or right edge of the board. To begin, one hand grabs another close by handle. Once the grip is secure, the other hand takes a different handle. When the grip is secure, the process is repeated across the rock climbing board. When the opposite end is reached, clients can return if their fitness level permits. The rock climbing board has two sets of handles, so clients can travel vertically as well as horizontally.  Standard rock climbing travels will tire clients quickly. Ensure a strong grip is maintained throughout the exercise. If a client’s grip begins to fail, the exercise should be ended.' 

Tags: how to , fitness , Workout , workout video , Physical Exercise (Interest) , hoist fitness , motion cage , rock wall , rock climbing (sport) , Rock Climbing Travel

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