'Exercise to engage the hips for sport to generate power'

10:56 Feb 14, 2023
'http://www.agelesstrength.com/wooden-clubs.html  I (We) produce American made, hand crafted, light & heavy wooden Indian Clubs as well and training DVD\'s for any fitness level. Here is a simple but useful video to teach any one how to get the most out of hip movement. If you want more power to throw a punch launch a golf ball or simple throw a fast ball this exercise may be helpful. In martial arts whether it is Muay Thai or simply boxing  we are always told to use the hips engage the hips.  Well here is a simple and easy way to get in touch with the correct movement  of the hips. If you are moving to slip a punch or throw one yourself the hips are crucial to delivering a maximum performance. www.agelesstrength.com  we manufacture and sell  both light and heavy clubs.    .' 

Tags: fitness , training , MMA , boxing , Muay Thai , Golf (Sport) , Martial Arts (Sport) , Sports (Industry) , Filipino martial arts , golf training , indian clubs , Wooden Indian Clubs

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