'REAL Fitness Rx: Kettlebell Windmill'

00:34 Jun 21, 2023
'Train SMART!  The kettlebell windmill is easily one of the best functional core movements. You will train your entire midsection as well as your shoulders. Start with a light weight or no weight until you have the form down. Be sure to lock out your elbow and shoulder so they are very sturdy and squeeze!!! Think of your arm as a pole you are pivoting around, it should barely move with only a slight rotation at your wrist as you push your hips backs to reach for your foot.  The extended leg should be slightly forward at a diagonal and have a slight knee bend. You do not have to reach all the way down to the inside of your foot, stop where it is comfortable and you feel stable.  This exercise will leave you feeling it!  #realfitnessrx #realfitness #windmill #kbwindmill #trainsmart #train #functionaltraining #functional #weightlifting #core #movement #onlinepersonaltrainer #weightloss  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/real.fitness... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realfitnessrx/ Website: https://realfitnessrx.wixsite.com/rea... Email: realfitnessrx@gmail.com' 

Tags: Weight loss , core , personal trainer , trainer , kettlebell , weight lifting , Functional Movement , kettlebell windmill , train smart , Real Fitness , real fitness rx

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