'Push/Pull home workout from Fitnessfaqs'

02:14 Dec 14, 2023
'Full Upper body push/pull workout using minimal equipment. I bought the FitnessFaqs Bodyweight Begin program,  and I highly recommend it.  You do need to pick up a few items for these workouts, but they are not extremely expensive and you\'ll never need a gym again (for upper body strength at least).  Critical equipment:  Dip bar: https://decathlon.ae/products/100-dip-bar-training-station?variant=37877608382654  Doorway pull-up bar: https://decathlon.ae/products/strength-training-pull-up-bar-100-cm?variant=37877580005566  Resistance bands (a light, medium and heavy one to start): https://decathlon.ae/collections/fitness-1/products/cross-training-elastic-training-band-45-kg?variant=37878419980478  If you actually track your workouts and reps, you can gain as much strength as in the gym, arguably more. There are plenty of ways to make progression, like harder forms or adding weight to some of the moves.   Aimon out' 

Tags: fitness , home workouts , transformation , uae , dubai , keto diet , carnivore diet , pushup , dip , pullup , chinup , covid workout , Progressive Overload , arch hold , dadbod , fitnessfaqs , scap pull , push and pull workout , decatholon , aimon sabawi , wall slide , scap dip

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