'Countdown DaVinci Resolve Macros'

00:54 Jun 17, 2021
'Get this here: https://motionarray.com/davinci-resolve-macros/countdown-586081 ...included with our Unlimited memberships. Or download hundreds of other assets with a FREE account. https://motionarray.com/free  A new project Countdown for Davinci made using a macro. You can use this in exercise, yoga, or other fitness and health videos. It helps countdown the time or reps in a session. The countdown will help you in your video to show how much is left to the end. Save your time. Just drag it to the timeline. This is not a template - it is better, it is MACRO! Video tutorial is included. For any resolution.' 

Tags: gym , SPORTS , training , wedding , timer , countdown , macro , davinci , text , title

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