'How to perform a DEADLIFT - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

01:01 Jul 14, 2022
'The deadlift is a compound movement ideal for building strength in the lower back. For beginners, make sure to use light weight or no weight until they find their form and begin to build strength.  MUSCLE GROUPS - Lower Back, Hamstrings, Glutes  HOW TO PERFORM A DEADLIFT: To enter the starting position, stand with the bar above the center of the feet. The feet should be about hip width apart. Fold through the hip keeping the chest tall and the head up, and take the bar in an alternating grip. The shoulder blades should be directly over the bar and the shoulders back and down.  To perform the movement, move the hips forward and straighten the legs, bringing the body upright. Ensure the bar is as close to the body as possible during the movement, the head is up, and the chest tall.  To return to the staring position, fold at the hips and slowly lower the hips, shoulders, and bar to the floor while maintaining the form.  To help prevent injuries, make sure clients observe the proper form throughout the entire exercise.' 

Tags: how to , workout video , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , strength , training , exercise video , deadlift , powerlifting , hoist fitness , motion cage

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