'Gym / Fitness motivation - desi gym - home workout/ Fitness tips .... - Six pack : Body growth'

00:11 Aug 6, 2022
'For some simple tips and exercises to increase your motivation, we\'ll start right now. Strike a high-power pose for a jolt of confidence. ... Tell yourself that you\'re going to have a fresh start. ... Eat some chocolate – or some other dopamine-releasing reward. ... Write a contract – and donate the proceeds to charity if you lose.   #fitness #DesiGym #shorts #Subribers #homeWorkout #healthtips #bodygroath   Welcome my YouTube Fitness  

Tags: home workout , fitness tips , leg exercises , fitness and beauty , desi gym , youtube viral video , six pack abbs , How to growth your Body , Arm push appe , Back sholdier exercise , How to viral video

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