'Return of the Prodigal Client - InForm Fitness Podcast 21'

'Return of the Prodigal Client - InForm Fitness Podcast 21'
31:33 Sep 10, 2022
'https://informfitness.com/  Return of the Prodigal Client - InForm Fitness Podcast 21  After 9 years of slow motion, high intensity, strength training at InForm Fitness in Manhattan, client Hence Orme decided to change up his workout and leave InForm Fitness.  After a year and a half away Hence decided to come back. Why did Hence leave Inform Fitness in the first place, what type of exercise program did he do, and why did he come back.? Join InForm Fitness founder, Adam Zickerman and Hence’s trainer Mike Rogers for their interview with The Prodigal InForm Fitness Client.  Transcripts at https://informfitness.com/podcast/21-return-prodigal-client/   We’ve got lives to live. Hence: And then that understanding of effectively the opportunity cost of what I am not able to do because I’m doing this, it starts to erode at least my willingness to do that exercise, whereas here, look, training once a week is great. Going back to when I first started training with Adam ten years ago, I asked the question a lot of clients ask which is well what should I do on vacation, and Adam said nothing. I’m as Type A as anyone and I was like, what do you mean nothing? I took him at his word and I actually did go away for a week and did nothing, and was shocked to then come back and find that that extra rest resulted in my strength that following workout being quite a bit better.  Mike: It’s consistent almost in every case when people take — when people come back from their vacation. They make their personal best or they make a jump, just by having that extra rest, it’s amazing how counter-intuitive that is.  Adam: That’s why I always like to tell people to not do anything on vacation, just enjoy your vacation. Don’t stress out about where you’re going to exercise. Besides usually the gyms at the hotel suck anyway. So that was great, Hence, you know, I learned a lot, it was great to hear that story. I’m glad you’re back, and I hope — and Mike you did a great job, you two as a team did a great job over the years, and I love the communication. So kudos to you Mike, and to you guys, and how you work through that. There’s no defensiveness, it was truly an attempt to discover what was best and it’s a great story. I hope for those listening out there, whether you exercise all the time and used to do what Hence does, or want to experiment with free weights or realize that maybe less is more, there’s something for everybody in this I think. So thank you very much Hence for joining us. It’s been a great help.  Mike: It’s great Hence that you were on the podcast. Thank you very much for being here.  Checkout all of InForm Fitness podcast  episodes at https://informfitness.com/informnation/' 

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