'Facial Fitness - Massage for Youthful Glow'

01:51 Sep 18, 2022
'Self-care Sunday!  Facial Fitness  - super simple massage techniques you can do anywhere, anytime. For a plump, youthful complexion with a healthy glow do this twice a day everyday for 2-5 minutes.   Using any face oil will do, even do it while cleansing. Some examples: Rosehip oil: http://amzn.to/1G6Hb6t Vitamin E oil: http://bit.ly/1hGkF9s DHC Cleansing oil: http://bit.ly/1U0fWRf  I believe in the luxury of higher thoughts, movement, and self-care for the mind, body, beauty.   xx love & light.' 

Tags: beauty , selfcare , massage , youthful skin , facial fitness , selfcare sunday , sunina , sunina young

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