'Incline Barbell Bench Press VS. Reverse-Grip Bench Press | WHICH BUILDS A BIGGER UPPER CHEST?'

13:44 Nov 14, 2022
'*READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Incline-Barbell-Bench-Press-Reverse-Grip-Bench-Press  In this edition of the VERSUS series we are going to see which exercise will help you build a bigger UPPER CHEST!  The INCLINE BARBELL BENCH PRESS or the REVERSE-GRIP BARBELL BENCH PRESS. If you missed the last episode where we compared the FRONT SQUAT VS. BACK SQUAT, you can read that article HERE.  Now we already talked a great deal about the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor and how they function in the Barbell Bench Press VS the Dumbbell Bench Press article so if you want to learn more about origins, insertions and how these muscles work, CLICK HERE. In this article we are just going to focus on one specific area of the pectoralis major and that is the clavicular head or “upper chest”.  Remember, the clavicular head originates on the anterior surface of the medial half of the clavicle and inserts on the lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus and anterior lip of the deltoid tuberosity. For most of us this is an area we desperately want to target to help give the chest a fuller and rounder look! But which exercise is best for targeting this area?  Let’s find out starting with the incline barbell bench press.  Incline Barbell Bench Press The incline barbell bench press is an exercise used by most gym goers specifically to target the upper chest area. You are still working the entire pectoralis major, but more emphasis will be placed on the clavicular head. Throughout the movement you will also be activating your triceps brachii and anterior deltoids as synergistic muscle groups and the short head of your biceps brachii will assist as a stabilizer throughout the movement as well.    To perform the movement the first thing you want to do is set up your bench so that it’s at a 30 – 45 degree incline. It’s going to be up to you to mess around with the incline to see what feels more comfortable for you. Once you have your bench set up, I would rather you get into position with just the bar (no added weight) to make sure your position feels right. Make sure you can un-rack the bar, bench properly and then re-rack the bar, because what can sometimes happen is if you set it up and push the bench too far back, when you start benching you can hit the bar on the j-hooks and ruin your entire set. Once your set-up is complete, then you can toss on some weight.  Another thing to keep in mind is whenever you’re doing any kind of bench press exercise, you need to retract your shoulder blades. This puts you in the correct posture to be able to get a full descent and then get a full extension with every single repetition. When you do an incline barbell bench press, if your shoulder blades are retracted but then when you push through to the top of the movement you push too far and flatten out your back, that changes the entire range of motion of the barbell. What that can actually do, without you even realizing it, is it can cause you to bring the bar down more over your shoulders, which is also going to increase your elbow flare and this can put a lot of pressure in your shoulders as well. So make sure you keep your shoulder blades retracted, even when you go to the top of the movement. DO NOT flatten your back out before you come back down, because you might end up hurting yourself and putting a lot of pressure through that shoulder area.  Now that all of that is out of the way, to perform the movement what you’re going to do is lay back and keep your glutes planted firmly against the bench because whenever you do any bench press movement, your glutes should stay on the bench. Keep your knees pointed out, feet flat, arch your back, retract your shoulder blades and keep your core nice and tight. Then grab the bar just outside of shoulder width and un-rack the weight. Take in a breath, keep your core nice and tight and then press back up, which is when you breathe out. The reason why you take in a breath and keep your core tight is because that’s going to allow you to keep your body (basically from your torso down) as one solid piece so that you can get as much pushing power as possible through the bar.  *CONTINUE READING HERE* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Incline-Barbell-Bench-Press-Reverse-Grip-Bench-Press  Program Selector -  Get The Right Program For You! - https://muscularstrength.com/Program-Selector ---------------------------------------- Subscribe To My Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness ---------------------------------------- 1 on 1 Online Coaching - http://muscularstrength.com/consultations  ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- MORE TIPS! - https://www.instagram.com/ScottHermanFitness' 

Tags: Workout , exercise , muscle , Weight Training (Hobby) , Physical Fitness (Industry) , chest , Fitness (Magazine) , upper , pectoralis major

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