'Trifocus Fitness Academy - Specialised Nutrition Certification'

02:15 Nov 25, 2022
'Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Specialised Nutrition Certification is the ultimate in Nutrition Certifications on the market! Unlocking the food groups and fundamentals of well-balanced eating, the Nutrition Course will give you all you need to become a Nutritional advisor!  This Nutrition Course is ideal for anyone wanting to learn more about nutrition, healthy eating in either their own lives or to advise clientele.  The Specialised Nutrition Certification is a scientifically based certificate which is designed to educate students on evidence based nutritional principles that can stand the test of time!  In addition, candidates will be able to make recommendations about meeting sports nutrition needs of individuals involved in sporting or fitness related activity as well as provide information about legal and illegal substances.  This Nutrition  Course is available for learners wishing to complete their course via correspondence (book format) or online.  Register on the website and start anytime  https://trifocusfitnessacademy.co.za/courses/specialised-nutrition/   - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trifocusfitnessacademyinternational/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/trifocusfitness - Instagram: https://instagram.com/trifocusfitnessacademy/ - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Trifocus/ - Website: https://www.trifocusfitnessacademy.co.za' 

Tags: nutrition , Certification , trifocus , Trifocus Fitness Academy , nutrition course

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