'RHP #042: Jay Maryniak, No. 1 Functional Fitness Trainer and Founder of JTM Fit'

01:53:09 Dec 10, 2022
'The Ridiculously Human Podcast  Personal Trainer. Fitness Professional. Dog Dad. Instagram Influencer. Type 1 Diabetic. Wellness Authority. Animal Lover. Smiler. Genuine Top Bloke.   Jay was addicted to hardcore drugs and alcohol when he was young. They temporarily helped silence the voice of fear and quieten his self-confidence insecurities. He turned his life around through his fitness journey and the AA, 12 step program. These days he has blown up into a fitness celebrity but remains as humble as ever. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.  Your fellow beings Craig and Gareth  * * * * *  JAY MARYNIAK  ✩ Website - http://bit.ly/JayMWebsite ✩ Instagram - http://bit.ly/JayMIG ✩ Facebook - http://bit.ly/JayMFBPage ✩ Twitter - http://bit.ly/JTMFitTWT ✩ YouTube - http://bit.ly/JTMYT ✩ LinkedIn - http://bit.ly/JTMaryniakLI  * * * * *  LISTEN TO THE PODCAST  ✩ iTunes - http://bit.ly/ridichumanitunes ✩ Spotify - http://bit.ly/RHPSpotify ✩ Stitcher - http://bit.ly/ridichumanstitcher ✩ Soundcloud - http://bit.ly/RHPSoundCloud ✩ TuneIn - http://bit.ly/ridichumantunein ✩ Google Play - http://bit.ly/RHPGooglePlay ✩ iHeartRADIO -http://bit.ly/RHPiHeartRadio  * * * * *   SOCIAL MEDIA   ✩ Website - http://bit.ly/RHHomePage ✩ Instagram - http://bit.ly/RHPInsta ✩ Facebook - http://bit.ly/RidicHumanFB ✩ Twitter - http://bit.ly/RHPTwitter ✩ Medium - http://bit.ly/RHMedium ✩ YouTube - http://bit.ly/ridichumanyoutube ✩ LinkedIn Craig - http://bit.ly/craiglinkedin ✩ LinkedIn Gareth - http://bit.ly/garethmartinlinkedin  * * * * *  MUSIC BY  ✩ The Bambuseae Rhythm Section - http://bit.ly/bambmusic ✩ Simon Van Gend Band - http://bit.ly/SVDWebsite  * * * * *  FILMED & EDITED BY GARETH MARTIN   ✩ Website - http://bit.ly/GMCoaching ✩ Instagram - http://bit.ly/GarethMartinInstagram  * * * * *  PODCAST AUDIO RECORDED & EDITED BY CRAIG HAYWOOD  ✩ Website - http://bit.ly/DRCraigChiro ✩ Instagram - http://bit.ly/DrCHInsta' 

Tags: Life Hacks , Health and wellness , Interviews , education , podcast , inspiration , lifestyle coaching , functional training , motivational , Podcasting , sobriety , DREAMS , substance abuse , type 1 diabetes , story telling , desire , destiny , live your dreams , jay maryniak , health ideas , 12 step program , The Ridiculously Human Podcast , Gareth Martin , Craig Haywood , Story Tellers , Human Conversation , Lifestyle Education , Inspiring Humans , Create your future , LifeStyle Freedom , functional method

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