'Savage Pro Fitness: Matthews Business Network (MBN) HIIT Workout Wednesday Episode- 10'

59:49 Dec 18, 2022
'https://thematthewsbroadcast.com/join-our-network The Matthews Business Network  is the Premier Growth Platform For Established Black and Urban Business Owners and Professionals and Non Profit Organizations. We have more than 1500  Members and Associates in 15 Chapters From New York To Atlanta To The Houston Metro Area.  We only allow 1 member per practice area to maximize client acquisition opportunities and prosperity for of each of our members  Why should do Hight Intensity Interval Training HIIT 1. HIIT Can Burn a Lot of Calories in a Short Amount of Time. ... 2. Your Metabolic Rate Is Higher for Hours After Exercise. ... 3. It Can Help You Lose Fat. ... 4. You Might Gain Muscle Using HIIT. ... 5. HIIT Can Improve Oxygen Consumption. ... 6. It Can Reduce Heart Rate and Blood Pressure. ... 7. Blood Sugar Can Be Reduced by HIIT. ... 8. 3 HIIT Moves for Arms and Legs. 9. You\'ll Build a Healthier Heart 10. There\'s No Equipment Necessary.  11. You\'ll Increase Your Metabolism 12. You Can Do It Anywhere  #fitspo​ #savage​#fitness​ #fitnesschallenge​ #savage​ #hiitworkout​ #hiit​ #HIIT​ #Fitfam​ #WeightLoss​ #zoomtrainer​ #personaltrainer​ #freefitness​ #freefitnessclass​ #getfit​ #findyourstrong​ #justdoit​ #motivation​ #noexcuses​ #goalsetting​ #savagelife​ #savagechallenge​ #savageworld​ #thelordswork​ #worshipandwellness​ #worship​ #wellness​ #mbn​ #SHIP​ #savageprofitness​ #Savagefitness​ #homegym​ #gymlife​ #motivation​ #hopemills​ #ftbragg​ #savagetraining​ #hiit​ #bodyweight​ #noequipment​ #challenge​ #savage100​ #beastmode​ #pushyourself​ #homeworkout​ #zoomtraining​ #noquitting​ #savagelife​ #savagefit​ #soldier​ #warrantofficer​ #weightloss​ #muscle​ #diet​ #mentalstrength​ #mentaltoughness​ #hard​ #tough​ #difficult​ #dontstop​ #strong​#notime​#quick​ workout #calories​ burn#getinshape' 
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