'30 Minute Stability Ball Workout - Hamstrings & Abs | Pure Endure Day 3'

36:20 Jan 19, 2023
'A 30 minute workout to demand so much from your hamstrings you will be looking forward to the abs portion! A great hamstring workout, involving the glutes, core and abs!   Hamstrings & glutes first, then onto some abs and core, then a 1 minute hamstring roll out finisher!!!  

Tags: abs , ab workout , core workout , abs workout , stability ball workout , stability ball , Swiss ball , yoga ball , stability ball ab workout , stability ball exercises , exercise ball workout , fitness ball workout , caroline girvan , balance ball , swiss ball exercises , stability ball crunches , Fitball , hamstrings workout , fitball workout , 30 minute stability ball workout , abs stability ball , core stability ball , advanced stability ball , hamstrings stability ball

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