'Full Body Workout With Power Grip-Ball/Medicine Ball - Strength Training Workout'

32:53 Mar 28, 2023
'Medicine ball workout to build and tone your abs, arms, back, buttocks, core, glutes, hip, legs, shoulder and thighs. Fun and easy, yet highly effective. This workout burns 191 - 247 calories. Use a ball with a handle that is between 6-12 lb.    Get our FREE app: http://gymra.com/app First app of its kind to feature GIFs with sound. View your entire workout instantly. 365 workouts in video & GIF form for all fitness levels. Plus video streaming.  Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gymra   Like our Youtube channel? Try our website http://www.gymra.com/generator-trial for a more thorough experience. Customize your fitness journey with over 5000 videos, workout templates, GIFs, and challenging programs. See what you\'ve been missing on Youtube by browsing our library!  © GymRa 2014. All Rights Reserved.   *Connect & chat with us*  http://www.gymra.com http://blog.gymra.com http://www.pinterest.com/gymra http://www.facebook.com/gymra http://www.instagram.com/gymra http://www.gymra.tumblr.com http://www.twitter.com/user/gymrafitness https://plus.google.com/+Gymra/posts' 

Tags: home , fitness , Workout , Weight loss , gym , exercise , workouts , loss , weight , lose , full body workout , muscle , personal , fat , fat burning workout , total body workout , training , lean , strength training , fit , workouts for women , ripped , strength workout , burn , medicine ball , dumbbells , FAT LOSS WORKOUT , resistance training , strength training for women , Jillian Michaels , lift , workouts for beginners , gymra , total body toning , workouts for beginners women , strength training workouts for women

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