'Exerbeat - Wii - Trailer'

01:48 Jan 18
'Ever used the following excuses? \"I\'m too busy to go to the gym!\" \"How can I find time to work out when I have kids?\" \"I hate dieting!\" \"If only I could have fun working out with my family at home.\" ExerBeat is a rhythm-based fun fitness game for people of all ages who want to stay in good health.  Exerbeat will be available on Wii exclusively on Spring 2011. For more information, please visit your Namco Bandai website, http://www.namcobandaigames.eu' 

Tags: video , trailer , gaming , Teaser , games , videos , VIDEOGAME , videogames , journal , diary , wii , dev , annonce , jeu , bande , BANDAI , videojuego , des , juego , jeux , diario , spiele , gioco , Videospiel , videogioco , Namco , desarrollo , exerbeat , developpeurs , degli , sviluppatori , entwicklertagebuch

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