'Fitness - Cardiovascular : Balke Test'

05:44 Feb 2
'Balke test is one of many ways to test your cardiovascular skills and by this test, it will estimate your VO2 by increasing the mph and the gradient every minute based on the rules and regulation. After we did this video, we can know that this test is successful. It could test their strength and skills, how far can they get, our maximum oxygen uptake. This test is also fun and challenging because it\'s anti mainstream and you will feel challenged by the rules and regulation. Of course everyone wants get the best score, aren\'t you?. It\'s also fun for girls because it will maintain your weight and it\'s good for lose weight. If you are dare enough and feel challenged, you can try this test too!!  This video is made by Colleen, Sanskha, Sheren, Angel, and Dhea Sekolah Victory Plus - 9 Andes  Featuring : Keisha, Eli, Vianny, Rachel, Nia, Allysa, Danna, and Angel\'s Dad Song : Don’t Look Down - Martin Garrix  Thanks for watching!:)' 

Tags: fitness , SPORT , treadmill , cardiovascular , balke test , sekolah victory plus

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