'Ep 3: UPDATES & UPPER BODY/ ABS WORKOUT - Comp Prep Series: WBFF Worlds with Lauren Simpson'

15:40 Feb 28
'Hey guys Welcome to episode 3 of my comp prep series! 8 weeks out from WBFF Worlds in Bahamas!  In this video @coachmarkcarroll & I sit down and chat about where I’m at with my diet and training.  I will also take you to the gym with us as we do an upper body and abs workout! I’ve included full reps & sets in the video so you can give it a go too!  I hope you like this video!!  Any thing else you would like to see from me while I\'m on my prep please let me know in the comments below.  Much love Loz xoxo' 

Tags: #fit , #fitness , #motivation , #training , #lifestyle , #bikini , #nutrition , #mindset , #bikinicompetitor , #laurensimpson , #wbffbikini , #wbffworlds , #competitionprep

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