'tricep and chest workout at planet fitness'

03:24 Mar 31
'instagram: gvillafranco snapchat:guille3villa7  been a while since i posted but here\'s a workout you can do at planet fitness tri\'s wide grip tricep press downs 3-0-0-2 tempo (hold 2 seconds at the bottom, 3 seconds on the way up explode down) super set w/ close grip tricep press downs as fast as you can single hand tricep press downs (on the assisted pull up machine) plate skull crusher burnout 45 25 10\'s wide grip dumbbell chest press (set bench to #2) dumbbell decline chest press cable chest crossover.  blessings, peace! -G' 

Tags: Workout , gym , chest , triceps , Planet fitness , planet fitness workout , judgement free zone , dumbbells at planet

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