'Firefighter Fitness Active warm up for Workout'

'Firefighter Fitness  Active warm up for Workout'
04:16 May 19, 2021
'**Before beginning any FRF workout you should thoroughly perform an active warm-up.  Click this video for a quick 6-exercise active warm-up.  -Standing Chops -5 reps -Arms up Squats-10 reps -Step forward toe touches-5 reps each side -Inverted hamstrings -5 reps each side -Spidermans-5 reps each side  -Knees side to side-5 reps each side   Complete 2 circuits of the 6 exercises before beginning the rest of the workout.  Continue to check www.FireRescueFitness.com for more great fitness tips for fire rescue athletes (firefighter fitness).' 

Tags: firefighter workout , firefighter fitness , firefighter training , fire rescue

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