'‘Fat Sex Therapist’ Compares Fitness Instructors to Nazis'

'‘Fat Sex Therapist’ Compares Fitness Instructors to Nazis'
04:56 Mar 17, 2022
'At St. Olaf College in Minnesota, Sonalee Rashatwar, who brands herself as the ‘Fat Sex Therapist’ made several shocking claims include that medical professionals and fitness instructors are Nazis and White Supremacists.   Share this video → https://youtu.be/CmujCjDfI1E Subscribe → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk-SdTBE7kTuNDrKzqaM2fg?sub_confirmation=1  #FatSexTherapist #Fitness #Obesity #Health' 

Tags: Health , nutrition , fat , science , children , obesity , fitness instructor , medicine , nazi , nazism , social justice , fat shaming , fat acceptance , body shape , bariatrics , White Supremacy , nazis , fat pride , sonalee rashatwar , amphetamine , fat sex therapist , Professional fitness coach , Youth Issues , Timothy Alexander , St. Olaf College , st olaf college , rashatwar st olaf

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