'Boost Your Sex Life---#fitness #health #weightloss #wellness #healthyeating #nutrition'

'Boost Your Sex Life---#fitness #health   #weightloss #wellness #healthyeating #nutrition'
04:12 May 10, 2022
'Boost Your Sex Life...  SUPER SEX AFTER 60 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1545347344/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1     My book is available on AMAZON.   I would appreciate your support. It’s only $29.95   ISBN-13 : 978-1545347348   #women #womenempowerment #health #womenshealth    Want more excitement?  Stimulation?  Satisfaction? There are several drug-free ways to spice up your sex life.  If your time in bed with your partner isn’t all you’d like it to be, take heart. Literally.  Having a date night with your partner — to remind yourself of all the reasons you adore each other and to relax by being wined and dined — can be great ways to stimulate your libido.  Medical Reasons May Be Behind Sexual Problems or Disinterest  Of course, there may be a medical reason why your sex life is flagging. Diabetes, thyroid issues, cancer, and cardiac problems can lower sexual desire. Nerve issues, endometriosis, or other problems can cause sex to be painful for women. And certain medications — like some for blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and even birth control — may inhibit desire.   That’s why it’s important to get a medical checkup if you are experiencing symptoms that affect your sex life and get your condition properly treated. You can also ask your doctor if it’s possible to switch your medication to something without a sexual side effect.  But even if you have a medical cause, it doesn’t have to stop you from having satisfying sex.  • Make Getting in the Mood for Sex a Priority  Sometimes, having more and better sex simply requires clearing your schedule. “It\'s hard to be in the mood when you have a million things on your to-do list and not much time to do it.  Scheduling sex might sound unromantic, but you put most of your important plans in your calendar, so why not sex? It’s best to schedule enough time to do something relaxing first rather than hopping straight into bed, since women, especially, need to be relaxed before their libido kicks in.  • Work on Your Mind and Notice Your Thoughts for Better Sex  If your brain is running a feedback loop of reasons you’ve picked up along the way — about how you should feel guilty about sex or maybe that your body is too fat or ugly or, well, whatever — it’s time to stop it in its tracks. Recognize the thought when it appears and change it to a more helpful one.  • Move Your Body to Improve Your Sex Life  You may not think that the exercise you do for your heart and muscles is important for good sex, but remember that blood flows to your genitals as much as to your heart.  Men with erectile dysfunction (ED), for example, can sometimes reverse this problem with a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise.  • Get Enough Sleep for Good Sex  Sleep is another lifestyle factor that impacts libido. One reason is that hormone secretion is controlled by the body’s internal clock, and sleep patterns likely help the body determine when to release certain hormones related to sex.   For both men and women, feeling tired when you get into bed zaps whatever libido you may have had even moments earlier.  Plus, for men, getting enough sleep can boost the level of testosterone (a lower level can be associated with sexual dysfunction).  • Practice Mindfulness — and Yoga — for Better Sex  It may seem like sex is the ultimate practice of mindfulness, and while orgasm pretty much is (likely no one has made their grocery list or planned a work report in that moment), you may become distracted by random thoughts in the time leading up to that orgasm.  Keeping your attention on what you’re doing and feeling is a powerful way to enhance your pleasure.  Similarly, the mind-body practice of yoga can aid your libido. When a group of 40 women were instructed to practice an hour of yoga each day, their average scores on a sexual function questionnaire for desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, lower pain, and overall satisfaction increased,  • See What Some Herbs, aka Aphrodisiacs, Can Do for You  Some herbs are used by cultures around the world as aphrodisiacs. Some are believed to stimulate nerves in your genitals; others increase levels of nitric oxide, which increases blood flow to the genitals, and the feel-good chemicals in your brain.  Some of these herbs include Chinese ginseng, Cordyceps, gingko biloba, and muira puama.' 
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