'HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise: PowerClean'

'HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise: PowerClean'
02:05 Jul 9, 2022
'Power Cleans are an explosive compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups. It’s a total body exercise that builds functional strength and can be done using just a bar or a bar and weights, depending on a client’s fitness level. Power Cleans are a complex movement requiring a degree of skill, they’re not an exercise for beginners.  MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: - Glutes, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves, Abdominals, Core, Lower Back  Enter the starting position by placing the feet hip width apart and the toes under the bar. The bar should be as close to the shins as possible, but still allow for clean travel up the body. Keeping heads up and chests tall, clients fold at the hip, bend at the knees, and take the bar with an overhand grip. The hands should be positioned outside the thighs. A client’s weight and balance should be in the heels and the shoulders in line with the hips.   To perform the first pull, slowly raise the bar to mid-thigh level. The second pull is connected to the first. As the bar reaches mid-thigh level, clients perform an explosive shrug and using the bar as a counter weight, bring their bodies under the bar to “catch” it as their grip reverses. The bar should stay close to the body and meet the client’s body at their chest below the collar bone and be supported by their arms, folded at the elbows. The elbows should be pointing forward, not down toward the floor. To finish the movement, clients squeeze their quadriceps and glutes and bring their bodies fully upright.   To return to the starting position, slowly unfold the elbows and bring the weight back to the hips, then fold at the waist and lower the weight completely to the floor before beginning the next rep.  When weights are used, clients will tire quickly and their form degrades. If you notice clients tiring or their form failing, stop the exercise.' 

Tags: Physical Exercise (Interest) , physical fitness , hoist fitness , gym equipment , power clean , clean and press , motion cage , multi jungle

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