'How to perform a BEAR CRAWL - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

'How to perform a BEAR CRAWL - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'
01:25 Jul 16, 2022
'Bear crawls are an outstanding way for clients at all fitness levels to build strength, endurance, and muscle mass. The exercise forces clients to use their entire body to support and execute the movement against the resistance of the weight stack. The weight pin position should provide enough pulley resistance to make the exercise challenging, but not overwhelming.  MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: - Core, Leg, Glutes,Torso Stabilizers  Adjust a pulley’s height to between a client’s hip and knee. The strap should wrap around the waist and connect to one of the pulleys. Once the strap is secure, clients face away from the machine and take the starting position. Ideally the hips should be aligned with the shoulders, but a little higher is acceptable. Heads should be up and eyes looking straight ahead, not down. The weight should be carried evenly on the toes and the flat of the hand.   To perform the movement, bear crawl forward to the extent of the cable’s travel length. Ensure clients minimize excessive rotational movement through the hips and torso. It’s best to let a client walk the cable out before starting the exercise so they know where the travel limit is or place a mark on the floor for them. When the end of the travel distance has been reached, clients return to the standing position and walk backwards to the starting point to perform another rep. During the exercise, make sure clients are not locking out their knees or elbows.' 

Tags: how to , gym , weight , workout video , Weight Training (Hobby) , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , strength training , exercise video , hoist fitness , bear crawl , motion cage

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