'Massage Ball Techniques for Hips & Glutes'

03:06 Sep 8, 2022
'These days we sit at our desks or drive for hours on end. When we get up from our chair or out of the car, we still carry that ‘seat shape’ with us. This sequence will get you re-acquainted with your posterior, wake up those sleepy glutes, and get you prepared for your next activity. Your glutes are your main conductor for pushing you forward through space, they are your jet pack and need to have proper and consistent blood flow, stimulation and movement.  This SMFR rollout targets the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, piriformis muscles and more!   Learn More About Massage Ball Techniques at Tune Up Fitness: www.tuneupfitness.com/blog/self-myofascial-release-techniques-using-massage-balls' 

Tags: myofascial release , smfr , massage balls , yoga tune up balls , massage therapy balls , MFR , tune up balls

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