'3 Triceps Exercises For Skinny Guys / HARDGAINERS! (TRICEP WORKOUT FOR MASS)'

12:26 Sep 11, 2022
'(0:17)- All Hardgainer Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPf1rMUUEmw&list=PLacPhVACI3MPznswtcCZslN5zIcggcdX0&index=2&t=25s  (8:38)- Close-Grip Bench Press VS. Dips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdeGBdOXO88&list=PLacPhVACI3MNwwM_EgqLrM6B69N_8uiVE&t=25s&index=12  *READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Three-Triceps-Exercises-Skinny-Guys-Hardgainers  Today we’ll be covering the next muscle group in my STRETCH, FLEX, OVERLOAD SERIES and this time it’s TRICEPS! If you missed any of the muscle groups we’ve covered already like chest, back, shoulders & biceps, I will post the link to the entire playlist HERE. Remember, although this is an advanced training technique specifically designed to help you hardgainers build more muscle, but if you’re not a hardgainer you can still utilize this technique, and I will explain how at the end of the article.  The strategy behind stretch/flex/overload is simply utilizing 2 isolation exercises to work on your mind-muscle connection and then performing a 3rd compound exercise to completely annihilate the muscle group you’re trying to target to spark some serious growth. The first exercise, the Powerbomb, will place the majority of the resistance during the negative, when the triceps are fully stretched. The second exercise, the Rope Pushdown, will place the most resistance on the triceps when they are fully flexed. And then to OVRLOAD your triceps you’re going to do weighted dips or the Close-Grip Bench Press to completely destroy them with maximum weight.  As for the routine specifics, you’re going to perform 8 – 10 reps per exercise and complete 4 rounds of all three movements, ONLY resting 60 – 90 seconds after you complete 1 round of all three exercises. Remember it’s a TRISET, so there is no rest between exercises and you are going to complete 4 TOTAL ROUNDS.  Warm-Up Before you get started with this routine, I recommend you do some sort of elbow and shoulder warm-up. You’re not going to be putting your elbows in a compromised position, but some people do experience elbow pain while extending their arms on exercises like the Powerbomb or the Pushdown. All you have to do for your shoulders is a few sets of 12 – 15 reps of shoulder breakers, and before you start each exercise, perform a light set of each movement for 15 – 20 reps. That should be enough to get the blood going and loosen up the tendons and ligaments in your elbow joints. Now, let’s go over the routine.  Stretch: PowerBomb (Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension) You’re going to utilize this exercise to focus on the stretch portion of the movement. When doing a powerbomb, you’re going to do it seated, and the reason for that is you’re not really trying to target your core at all. If you were to do the exercise standing up, you would have to flex your glutes and flex your core in order to be able to stabilize and lift the weight. Your focus here should be really feeling the stretch during the negative portion of the movement. By doing these seated, even though you’ll still have to flex your core, you take a lot of it out of the equation and that means you can funnel as much energy into your arms as possible to really focus on that negative.  Proper form for this exercise is going to see you seated, holding the weight above your head. Try to keep your wrists as straight as possible, and then as you bring the dumbbell down, control it all the way down as far as your arms can go. Really focus on that stretch by holding it for a second, come back to the top, and repeat for reps. If you didn’t warm-up before you started this exercise, going all the way down may hurt your elbows, so make sure you do your warm-ups so that you CAN go all the way down with this movement to maximize the stretch at the bottom. Don’t waste your time with half reps. You do the most amount of muscle damage in the stretch portion of any movement.  Now there is a little trick I like to use when getting in and out of position to lift heavier dumbbells with this movement. With a 100lb dumbbell, for example, you can hold it with two hands, thrust it between your legs and then use the momentum to toss it up (controlled) onto your shoulder.  *CONTINUE READING HERE* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Three-Triceps-Exercises-Skinny-Guys-Hardgainers  Program Selector -  Get The Right Program For You! - https://muscularstrength.com/Program-Selector ---------------------------------------- Subscribe To My Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness ---------------------------------------- 1 on 1 Online Coaching - http://muscularstrength.com/consultations  ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- MORE TIPS! - https://www.instagram.com/ScottHermanFitness' 

Tags: fitness , gym , exercise , bodybuilding , arms , Scott Herman , training , triceps workout , fit , gain , arm workout , triceps , tricep workout , mass , tricep , arm exercises , tricep exercises , scotthermanfitness , best of 2017 , best triceps workout , triceps workout at gym , workout for triceps , get bigger triceps , How to Get Bigger Triceps , Exercises for Triceps , tricep workout for mass , workout for tricep mass , triceps workout for hardgainers , hardgainer triceps workout , tricep workout for hardgainers

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