'20 Minute Indoor WALKING + RUNNING with 30-Second Intervals | Getting in the Best Shape of Your Life'

21:07 Sep 21, 2022
'Grab this week\'s FREE 5-Day MINI CHALLENGE #PahlaBMiniChallenge ➭ http://pahlabfitness.com/2017/11/19/minichallenge8/  S U B S C R I B E ➭  http://goo.gl/C9CG6w  Let\'s RUN Podcast on Soundcloud ➭  https://goo.gl/jvjZVB and iTunes ➭  https://goo.gl/R3Wfnb  Sponsor a workout with PATREON ➭ https://www.patreon.com/PahlaBFitness   

Tags: home workout , walking workout , Pahla B , Pahla Bowers , walking , indoor walking workout , indoor walk , running , running workout , Pahla B running , indoor run , run walk intervals , 20 minute walking workout , walk run , indoor running workout , getting in shape , 20 minute running workout

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