'Zničili jsme ramena v KRB Fitness s Vince G, The Swole Nerd.'

19:58 Oct 23, 2022
'@theswolenerd @amielynn_fit @krbfitness  Pokud se vam videa z Ameriky libi Odebirejte muj kanal: http://bit.ly/2kTyq9c  Ptejte se jestli vas neco zajima  snapchat:fromshittofit https://www.instagram.com/kamfit/ https://www.facebook.com/kamfit24/' 

Tags: fitness , usa , hollywood , bulk , Coleman , dallas , Texas , Utah , Amerika , Swole nerd , Los , Angeles , Camaro , czech , kulturistika , Ronnie , fitko , Arlington , Kamil , michal , physiques of greatness , Vince G , amie , dusejovsky , bicaky , zivot , czechfitness , kamfit , sopor , dusek , cech , kalifornie , cesi , americe , ramena , sprt , kozy , krb fitness , soutez , tricaky , the swole nerd , vice g

See also:
